SAN TAN VALLEY, AZ. 15 GAUGE 34 DeGREE ANGLED FINISH NAILS. Make sure your nails are double striped collated or they will jam your gun! Ours are double collated the correct way! Unicatch is a world class fastener manufacture making nails, staples and tools since the early 80’s not only under their name but for other name brand fastening Companies under their label. The DA series 34 Degree 15 gauge Angled finish nails is their crown jewel of fasteners! They were the first to produce exactly what Senco made to full specification using US steel doubled tape collation, special wax paper for moisture control even silica gel packs to adsorb any moisture to insure a perfect nails when you open the box. To date, I personally have not seen another angled finish nails that even comes close! The biggest problem is the double tape, most use a signal tape collation which will not work and can jam the tool. The second problem is the head either their is to big or to small. This nail will fit in the following tools. SFN1, SFN2, SFN30, SFN40, FINISH PRO35, SFN41XP, FINISH PRO41XP, FINISH PRO42XP, AF41 CORDLESS. DA250A, DA250B, DAFN-6480, DA250C. F3C BA50, F4BA-65, R3CBA-50, R4BA-65, F4BA-65CT. Makita AF635 15 Gauge. Please note, we try to update our list of what fits but we may have left out some tools just make sure your tools is a 15 ga. 34 degree angled finish nailer. John Vallejo, owner of SFS Supply because service is what my company has been built on. That’s why our feedback in near flawless!